It starts with the basics. Your company profile is where you'll enter details about your company. Things like company logo, tax rates, messages on invoices and estimates and basic information about your company.
Please complete all the necessary information about your company and tax rates first since these details will appear in your invoices and estimates.
There are two tabs under your Company Profile page:
General Tab - This section stores your basic company information, such as your business name, address, and working hours.
βTax Rates Tab - In this section, you can add the tax rates and their corresponding message in your invoice and estimate.
These settings are located in Company Profile. Click to go to Company Profile.
Setting Up Your Company Profile: Step-by-step Instructions
General Tab : Setting Up Your Company's General Information
1. Click the cogwheel icon found on the upper right-hand corner of your page to access Account Settings.
2. Next, click the 'Company Profile tile under the Account Settings page.
3. Be sure that you inside the General tab.
4. Add your company logo. Your logo should be at least 256x256px and the format should be PNG or JPG/JPEG. For best results, make sure it's a clear and high resolution logo.
5. Now, let's add your general business information. Some of your business information will be displayed to customers on invoices, text messages, etc.
Business Name
Business Phone Number
Business Address
Business Website
Business Support Email
Business Profile
Auto Follow Up Settings (Auto follow up is a massive time saving feature that allows your business to auto follow up on unpaid invoices, estimates and other details.)
6. Set your working days and hours and click 'Update' to save your settings.
If you need to add another day (e.g. Saturday), simply click the corresponding toggle to enable it.
Tax Rate Tab : Setting Up Your Company's Tax Rates
These tax rates will show up when creating a job, invoice and other places where tax rates are needed and there is no limit on adding them.
1. To start adding a new Tax Rate, type in the Tax's Name and Percentage.
2. To create another one, click 'Add Row' and repeat Step 1.