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Custom Forms 101

Create custom forms for any job, share them publicly, and streamline data sharing with customers and your entire team in real time.

Tiffany Hayden avatar
Written by Tiffany Hayden
Updated over 2 months ago

Servgrow's Custom Forms feature is a game-changer for home services businesses. You can create job-specific custom forms, capture signatures, upload images, and even share forms publicly with your customers and team instantly- and in real time. Whether you're collecting information, keeping customers up-to-date, or documenting completed work, these forms empower your team to operate more efficiently while keeping everyone connected.

Custom Forms let you take your business to the next level by offering flexibility and real-time collaboration. Share forms publicly with customers and team to keep everyone on the same page and up-to-date. This transparency boosts professionalism and eliminates delays caused by miscommunication. Features like signature capture and photo uploads provide an all-in-one solution for documenting work accurately and efficiently.

Example for: House Cleaning Checklist

Forms are completely customizable and can be set up to fit any businesses needs. They can be set up with checkboxes, image uploads, signature collection, initial collection, yes/no, short text boxes, long text boxes, and so much more.

You also have a lot of time saving options with Servgrow forms.

  • Share Forms for real time access to job information and job status. Customers and your team can view real time information at any time from anywhere.

  • Forms can be sent to your customer upon completion with a single click.

  • Automation: You have the option to set up a form to auto-send to the customer after "finishing" the job.

  • Automation: You have the option to auto-add any form to a new job, estimate or visit.

  • Mandatory Option: You even have the option to make it mandatory that the form is completed prior to 'finishing' a job.

Forms can only be created by Company Admins and can only be assigned to jobs, visits and estimates by Company Admins and Office Staff.

While forms can be filled out in both the Servgrow app and Servgrow online, you need to build them in Servgrow online.

We'll cover everything you need to know about customers forms in this tutorial.

Ok, let's get started!

  1. How to create and build a Custom Form

1. Click the settings icon found on the top navigation bar.

2. Click the 'Forms' box in Settings.

3. Click 'Add New'.

4. Building your form.

A: Form Name: You'll want to name the form something relevant to what your team will be doing.

B: Sections (Optional): Sections allow you to group form items together in a logical format. Example: House Cleaning Form can have sections for different part of the house like Kitchen, Bathroom, etc. You can have any type and/or amount of form items in each section.

C: Form Items/Section Items: This is where you'll create each of the items on your form. Form items are created outside of Sections and section items are created within sections. NOTE: If you create a section, all the items for that section are created in the section. Form/Section items consist of:

  • Checkbox

  • Small Text (up to 60 characters)

  • Images

  • Flag (Pass/Fail)

  • Condition (Good, Fair, Poor)

  • Signature (or initials)

  • Yes/No

  • Long Text (more than 60 characters)

The 'type' of item you are adding will often determine how you word the label and maybe even the description.

C1: 'Label' is the title of the thing you want done or the question you want answered.

C2: 'Description' can be used for specific directions or additional information. (Optional)

C3: Type of items:

  • Checkbox

  • Small Text (up to 60 characters)

  • Images

  • Flag (Pass/Fail)

  • Condition (Good, Fair, Poor)

  • Signature (or initials)

  • Yes/No

  • Long Text (more than 60 characters)

At any time, the items can be deleted or rearranged if needed. To delete an item, click on the item and then click the trash bin icon to the right (C4). To rearrange the items, click on the item you want to move and click the up or down arrow (C5) to move the item.

C6: You can add as many items to your form as you please. Just click + Add Form Item to add another one.

If you create form items within a section, they are called section items and they will be shown within the sections border.

D: Form Settings: This is where you can choose settings for how you want the form handled.

D1: If this box is checked, the form will be added to all new jobs created, automatically.

D2: If this box is checked, the form will be added to all new estimates created, automatically.

D3: If this box is checked, any job that has this form attached will make it mandatory that the form be completed prior to 'finishing' the job, visit, or estimate. You will not be able to click 'finish' until after this form is completed.

D4: If this box is checked, any job that has this form attached will automatically send the form details to the customer after the job, visit, or estimate is 'finished'.

And finally, click 'Create'!

Congrats! You've just created a job form.

2. How to Add a custom form to a job/estimate/visit.

Adding a form to a job, estimate or visit is easy. There are two ways:

  1. Automatically: This is done in the settings. You can do this when creating the form, or editing a form you already created. Just check the box and save. Now, every job or estimate hat you create will have the form attached.

2. Inside the job/estimate/visit details. Just click on the job/estimate/visit to open up the details, then click 'options', then 'add form'. You'll be given an option to select which form to add.

If it's a recurring job, you'll be given option to add the form to a single occurrence or to all occurrences.

That's it. You've just added a form!

3. How to fill out and complete the custom form

Main app: Forms are located on the left side below the map.

Mobile app: Forms are located below the map.

To complete a form, go into the job/estimate/visit details and find the form you wanting to fill out. Then, click on form to open and start the process.

As you complete items on the form, you will see an updated number next to the form title.

If the form is set to 'complete form items'

4. How to share the custom form

Sharing forms with your team and customers has never been easier. We have multiple ways to do this, including automation!

  • Send All forms: From the estimate/job details, below the forms, simply click 'Send All' and then enter the email address that you would like them sent to. *The default email address will be the customers main email.

  • Send a single form: From the estimate/job details, below the forms, simply click 'Send All' and then enter the email address that you would like them sent to. *The default email address will be the customers main email.

  • Automatically: This allows you to automatically send and share a form with the customers upon finishing a job/estimate.

  • Public Forms (Real Time):

    Public forms allow you to share a form data in real time to anyone, anywhere. Simple copy the link and share it with your team or customer for them to view the form information in real time.

People viewing the form will need to refresh the page to see new updates.

That's it. Now let's go create a custom form!

Note: You can create unlimited forms and you can attach multiple forms to any job, visit, or estimate.

Pro Tip: Many of our pros get very creative when customizing their forms. You can build almost any form that you can think of with Servgrow forms!

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